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Unfortunately, I have lived long enough to see similar times of injustice and the anger and rage it produces. I am weary of the violence, hatred, cheating, dishonesty, murder, rape, child abuse, racism, and on and on. So are you. If you think a change of the nameplate on the offices of authority like the chief of police or the mayor, governor, President, or any other official will remedy the situation you are mistaken. Man has never been able to solve the SIN problem. That is a work only God can do.

The sin problem is an injustice problem. There is no such thing as equality or justice where sin rules. When sin is allowed to rule, mankind generally looks to sin to bring about justice and equal the playing field. Taking an eye for an eye, a tooth for tooth, life for a life. Where does sin rule? Wherever Christ is not allowed to rule. We can be angry and not give into sin.

George Floyd’s life was taken unjustly! Most of us cannot even watch the videotape of this huge injustice/murder without feeling sickened. Above all this was an act of sin. To take a life unjustly violates one of the ten commandments that God instituted to keep humanity safe. Let us never lose sight of this. If we do we are destined to repeat acts like this over and over again. The hope of humanity is not in a man or women it is in God.

Christians know love and act in love. To be Christian is not to identify with a particular faith more than others or to faithfully attend Sunday services, or to practice certain religious habits. Christianity is a LORDSHIP decision. Surrender to the lordship of Jesus Christ! A Christian no longer conforms to a world bathed in sin. To be a Christian is to have a world view that is like that of Christ. It is vital that Christians do not use the vocabulary of the world or cultures to speak to injustice!

It is vital that Christians do not use the vocabulary of the world or cultures to speak to injustice!

Jesus did not give place to the language of a sinful nature. In Matthew chapter four, Satan attempts to use the scriptures out of context to tempt Jesus to respond in sin. Jesus refused! Jesus quoted the scriptures back to Satan in context. As Christians, we know the answer to the sin problem. Kill it by making Jesus Lord over your life. Change your world view, by seeing the world the way God sees it. I am not righteous because of my race, I am righteous because Jesus lives in me and I live only for Him.

God died for all mankind! The cure for Sin is Jesus! We should weep for the family and friends of George Floyd. We should work to heal the suffering, love like Jesus loves. We can make a difference by living as Christians; serving, giving, sharing, caring, sacrificing, and most of all pointing humanity to the cross which is the hope of all mankind.

There are some very practical things we can do that will make an eternal difference. As I watch young men and boys run through the streets of large cities doing acts of violence, I ask where is their family? Not just their biological family but their eternal family…The family of God. In the nearly 37 years Michele and I have been married we raised three children to love God, we also opened our home at many times to welcome someone else’s child. We loved them like our own, gave them a safe place to live, fed, and clothed them at times, and shared Jesus with them. It was one way we could help provide guidance and wisdom to some who were at risk.
If you are going to speak about this injustice do not adopt the divisive language of our world. Do not try to meet sin with sinful action. Rise above and live a life of LOVE. Speak with the language of Love.

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