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 Racism is wrong. Taking a stand against racism is right. But is there only one way to make a difference? The church of Jesus Christ is filled with many wonderful people who are gifted, passionate, and filled with love and empathy. They are eager to act when they see injustice. They want to protect those who are victimized by society, those who are suffering from unjust treatment.

'“But is there only one way to make a difference?

It stands to reason that the church will mobilize and act when suffering is evident. But how should we act? First, let me say that as a pastor, I not only stand against oppression, racism, and injustice, I have and am now committing my life, resources, and energy to building God’s Kingdom in every heart. If I believed humanity alone could bring about justice, eliminate racism, and make the world a safer place to live, I would move in that direction. I do not believe that and here is why. Humankind is NOT basically good. Only God is good. We all struggle with our sin nature. Even Christians sin. Our struggle to keep God first and act in obedience to Him is very real. We desperately need a good God.

How should we act?

We must not assume that how we choose to act is the only way. We are brothers and sisters in the Lord. We love one another and we can be certain that however our brothers and sisters respond they are doing it out of a heart of deep love, compassion, and empathy for those who are suffering.

“our brothers and sisters respond … out of a heart of deep love, compassion, and empathy for those who are suffering”

We can all agree: racism is wrong, taking a stand against racism is the right thing to do. You may choose to march, educate, rebuild, give, serve, protest, or post your thoughts on social media. Maybe you will do all or most of those things.

Do not allow the enemy to divide you!

When faced with a crisis of this magnitude it’s important to lean into your bedrock biblical beliefs and allow them to guide you in your decision-making.


The Bible is sufficient! Scripture shapes your values, values direct your actions, and actions determine your outcomes. Whenever crises of this magnitude arise at the speed and force at which it is moving we can veer a little off track and find ourselves reacting rather than thoughtfully acting upon scriptural values.

“Have you ever composed an email in the heat of the moment hit send only to regret it moments later. We have all been there.”

Have you ever composed an email in the heat of the moment hit send only to regret it moments later. We have all been there.

Some have suggested that this is not the time to emphasize the gospel because it is too general, and the issues of the day must take center stage. The gospel is the center stage of the church, no matter what the issues of the day are.

“The gospel is the center stage of the church, no matter what the issues of the day are.”

That’s not an excuse for being tone-deaf, disconnected, or oblivious to the real needs of the day. Still, the moment Jesus is no longer at the center of our attention, we’ll never find real solutions to serious problems that last for eternity. It is no small thing to say to our world that Jesus is the ONLY answer. A changed heart is what is needed in our world. That is a call to action every Christian can and must answer.

In the midst of our personal soul searching Journey, let us act in grace toward one another. Let us lift up the banner of Jesus Christ as we respond to the issues of our day. There is room for different kinds of responses, lets give no room for division.

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