What is a Grace Place?
Last weekend we started a two part message on defining what is a Grace Place. Looking at what we believe God has called us to be and do as a church together.
Grace Place: Home of the second chance
Rising army of God
All nation Congregation
Compassionate Community
Empowered people
Looking through the list it can be overwhelming. How can we become what God wants us to be for the world around us?
““Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as God forgave you through Christ.” Eph. 4:32”
One of the indicators that we are moving in the right direction is when we are visibly demonstrating our Love for each other. Jesus said: 35 Everyone will know by this that you are my disciples—if you have love for one another. (Jn. 13:35 NET)
A loving Community is a compassionate and forgiving community. A loving community is a community of action not just rhetoric. More than anything the people of north Austin and the surrounding communities are looking for real relationships. A people who care, love, forgive and put their faith into action on a daily basis.
When we talk about the Grace Place we are not talking about the inanimate object of land or building. The Life of the Grace Place is its people. Together we form the Grace Place. Individually we have the Grace Place in our hearts. No matter where we go we take the hope of Jesus into our world.
The final weekend of “The Big Dream” series is this weekend. I want to invite you to not only attend but bring a friend. I believe people are looking for the kind of church we are becoming.