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April 12th Easter Sunday 10:00 am LIVESTREAM

I love Easter Sunday for so many reasons the primary one is JESUS IS ALIVE! It does not matter what is going on in the world around us because the tomb is empty and death is defeated. We put our Hope and Trust in Jesus who conquered death and paid with His shed blood the price of our sin. We rejoice that we are part of the great family of God.

COVID 19 has impacted our nation and has the world’s full attention. News coverage is dominated by it, we are all captives in our homes and fear and anxiety seem to rule the day. And yet the calendar declares there shall be an EASTER! Easter the celebration of life beyond the grave. The Hope of the world fully accomplished through the life, the death, the burial and resurrection of Jesus our Lord and Savior!

How could we not celebrate the greatest news for all mankind? I want to invite you to celebrate with us at www.gp.church/live on April 12th. Here is the schedule for Easter Weekend!

  1. GOOD FRIDAY WORSHIP SERVICE April 10th Livestream beginning at 7 pm!

2. Saturday morning between 10 AM and 12 PM.

Our Grace Kids volunteer teams are delivering Easter bags filled with candy to the doorstep of our church families with young children.

The circle drive in front of the church will be open for you to pick up prefilled communion cups with wafers for Easter Communion that will be led by the pastor on Easter Sunday. If you would rather make up your own at home feel free to do so but we will have them in a plastic bag for you if you want to stop by.

3. Easter Sunday All Church Communion, April 12, 10 AM on our Livestream Pastor Alan and Michele will lead our communion service.

4. Easter Sunday, 10:30 AM LIVESTREAM WORSHIP! You will very soon be receiving a virtual Invite to Easter Sunday. We want you to share this invite with all your friends and family. Especially for those who do not have a home church. Here are three ways you can share this virtual invitation:

  • Share it on your social media accounts

  • Share by Email to your friends and family

  • Share it in a Text invite to friends and family

A copy of the invite is below. Nothing can keep the church from celebrating the finished work of Jesus Christ on the cross through His resurrection! Join us live at www.gp.church/live

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