2016 it's going to be a Great Summer!!

Summer at the Grace Place


We have big plans to Cool down your Summer! It all begins with a Grace Place Picnic on May 22nd from 12 – 4pm! Bring your favorite side dish or dessert and we will provide the rest. The Menu includes: Brisket, Burgers, Hot Dogs, Water, Lemonade and whatever you want to bring to go with it.


In June we kick off a series of FREE classes under GRACE PLACE UNIVERISTY!





You can register online at gpaustin.com just hit the Grace Place University Logo. Here is the schedule:


BEGINNERS GUITAR CLASS                      May 24 - June 21 (Tue.7p)


DISCOVER GRACE PLACE                          June 6 (Mon. 7p food provided)


Critical Questions                                    June 13-27 (Mon. 7p)


BIBLE 101                                               July 11 & 18 (Mon. 7p)


LEAD GUITAR CLASS                                July 12 – Aug. 9 (Tue. 7p)


*ELECTIVE NIGHT 3 CLASSES                  July 26 (Mon. 7p)


*Professionalize your resume and Score big in the Interview (Taught by Brian Piland and Michele Kirkpatrick)


*How to Bake with no Oven (Mikah Islas and Amanda Canary)


*Fitness a fresh beginning (Michael and Tonya Torrez)


More information on the Classes:


Beginners Guitar Class and the Lead guitar class go to: www.graceguitarlessons.com


Discover Grace Place Class signup at: www.gpaustin.com Pastor Alan will teach the class and we provide your meal for FREE. Just be sure to signup how many will attend with you. The class will look at Grace Place History, current and future vision/mission. You will meet the GP team and get a campus tour. The class in 1.5 hrs. (If you need child care notify us when you sign up online)



Critical Questions and The Bible - Discussion based Apologetics Class signup at: www.gpaustin.com This class will be taught by Zak Kirkpatrick. Zak is a recent Graduate of SAGU and has a degree in Theology with a minor in Philosophy. The class looks at practical questions that people ask about Christianity and helps you better understand how to answer them. For example: If there is a God why is there suffering in the world? You will love this class and it will help you communicate what you believe easily and effectively.

"People at work, or at your favorite coffee shop, and even in your home have critical questions about your faith. That might come as a shock to you if you have never interacted with people outside of the Church community. For others, this is a frustrating but accepted reality. Discussion about faith and belief are nearly impossible in today’s skeptical culture without establishing a solid foundation for why you hold a certain belief. Odds are someone has questioned you about your beliefs before and, depending on the question, it is not always easy to articulate an answer. How does a Christian interact with someone who has serious doubts or is hostile to Christian belief? 

The Bible says that we are to “…in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect,” (1 Pet 3:15 ESV).  This verse tells us that articulate responses to questions about our faith are part of our duty as Disciples of Christ. The good news is that Christians have dealt with most critical questions for thousands of years! Many, if not all, of the questions or doubts you will encounter today are just rehashed versions of old arguments. This class will familiarize you with the responses those Christians have given to questions about God’s existence, the supposed problem of suffering and evil, and the historical reliability of the Bible and Jesus. In knowing the responses to these questions, Christians will be able to interact with people who have doubts about the Christian faith. This class will not be an instruction on how to argue, it will teach Christians to articulate their faith to others who have doubts, and open them up to discussion about the gospel of Jesus Christ."  (Zachary Kirkpatrick Instructor BA. Theo) 


BIBLE 101 Class signup at: www.gpaustin.com This class will be taught by Pastor Alan and Jake Gould. Class one will be an overview of the Bible and help you to better understand how it was put together and why it is the most important book in the world. We also give away FREE Bibles in this class to people who do not have one. The second class will be an overview of Israel the Holy Land. Jake recently traveled there and will share some of his experiences and help bring Bible stories to life with current pictures in the locations where the stories happened.



ELECTIVE NIGHT signup at: www.gpaustin.com Pick one or two if you are couple. They all occur on the same night at the same time in different locations. They will be fun and informative. If you know of someone looking for a job or looking to improve their position make sure they get signed up for the class with Brian Piland (Recruiter) and Michele Kirkpatrick (HR field Manager for Kenneth Cole Productions). If you want a night of fun and food signup for the Baking without an Oven class with Mikah (Pastry Chef at the Monument Café) and Amanda. If it’s time to get back in shape signup for the Fitness class with Tonya and Michael. (Michael is Athletic Trainer for Southwestern University in Georgetown). Elective Night will be a lot of fun. Plan ahead so our teachers know how many students will be attending. 

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