Change creates an atmosphere of uncertainty. We are regularly making big decisions trying to forecast change. If we buy a home now will the changing market go up, down or stay about the same? Is now a good time to apply for a new job or do I need to hang on to this one in the event change brings an economic downturn?
We travel back to the town or city where we grew up and we are confronted, all along the drive, with changes. New buildings, torn down buildings that could not stand the test of time. New owner at the corner market where we used to buy our food. We can recognize the landmarks but we also can see the changes. More changes are on the way, we notice as we see new construction.
Relationships change. People we knew well at an early point in our lives, have made choices that have affected their lives in such a way they are almost unrecognizable. Some have gone through deep pain and grief and grown bitter, we once knew them as optimists and full of life and joy. Change is all around us, it seems to make the ground under our feet. unstable. We can’t predict what will happen next.
Like a sailor in the midst of a storm we stagger across the deck of life looking for something stable to hang on to. Change is etched in our face as the years pass. Changes in technology bring frustration as we are forced to relearn how to use the tools we need to accomplish the tasks given us. Sometimes we force change in an effort to deal with unrest, unhappiness or to improve our lot in life.
We change jobs, we change relationships, we change transportation, we change our address. The thought behind our attempts to force change, is that we believe it will bring contentment, happiness, a better life. The reality is that forced change only bring temporal relief. Soon we find ourselves back in a rut, trying to find a new thing that will lift our spirits.
“As long as we live on this planet we must embrace change, both the good and the bad of it.”
As long as we live on this planet we must embrace change, both the good and the bad of it. We can have an anchor in the unstableness of change. We can live on a firm foundation and that will produce in us a better attitude toward change. Our stability is in Christ who is unchanging. His WORDS are forever truth, hope and direction. Jesus the living Word of God invites us to embrace change in the assurance that HE will never leave us or forsake us.
“God knows your tomorrow and He has prepared a place for you in it. ”
Change is often surprising and sometimes puzzeling to us, but God saw it coming. God knows your tomorrow and He has prepared a place for you in it. We can rest in knowing this and most of all in knowing Him.