
As you therefore have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him, rooted and built up in Him and established in the faith, as you have been taught, abounding in it with thanksgiving. (Col. 2:6,7)

The new Decade held more than a few surprises. It is always wise to look back when planning forward. What did we learn from 2020 that we can apply as we move forward in the decade? Here are a few takeaways from pastors across our nation.

  1. Christian community is more important than ever. We discovered we can’t live life alone, isolated, separated. We need each other in ways we had not thought of before this sweeping pandemic. All of our senses were disrupted in isolation, we missed laughter, crying babies, the human touch, a whisper. We craved, personal and corporate prayer , a hug, singing together, we missed each others smiles. We rejoiced as our brothers and sisters in Christ came to our aid when we were sick and in need. Fearing not for their own lives they brought food, supplies, gave generously to assist with needs.Most of all they brought the presence of Jesus into our homes and hospitals. We are better physically, mentally and spiritually when connected to God’s community.

  2. We prefer Movements over content based gatherings. Online is fine for content based gatherings. You can see and hear, take notes, learn. But online is only a short term fix. We crave the experience of God’s presence that happens in corporate worship. The spontaneous movement of the Holy Spirit as God’s people open to being used by the gifts of the Spirit. Not only the worship songs that are sung but the people who sing them from the core of their being and invite the fresh presence of God into the stale, cold, separated from God and isolated existence of mankind.

We must not allow it to be just another book on the shelf or a resource book used to confirm what we want to believe is true!!

3. We reaffirm, The Word of God answers every issue of humanity. The church of Jesus Christ is subject to God’s Word in faith and practice. It is not our role to apologize to culture who rejects the Word of God. We may not water down or attempt to make the truths of scripture palatable to a world that rejects God’s authority. Our role is to speak the Truth in LOVE. We are motivated by the Love of God to tell our World the Gospel truth. We are not allowed to reframe the word of God to fit current events. When any individual rejects the Word of God or attempts to force it to agree with the opinions of man that person is walking in disobedience. God’s Word is sufficient for every issue, crises, problem, addiction. It is the cure for depression, bitterness, anger, sickness, hatred, hopelessness, grief, abuse, loneliness, sorrow, troubled minds, demonic oppression, financial ruin…. There is nothing we can experience that God’s Word does not have the cure. This is not a book of poetry though poets wrote in it, this is not a book of history through it chronicles history, this is not book of prophets though prophets penned God’s message, this is not a book of religion though it leads religious gatherings, this is the LIVING WORD OF GOD! It is JESUS in ink and in LIFE! We must not allow it to be just another religious book on the shelf or a resource book used to confirm what we want to believe is true!! To mishandle this book is to assault the author who is God Himself.

4. Worship is our priority! In this dark season of life we have rediscovered the priority of Worship. Not just songs, but the ONE to whom we sing. His presence is what we have longed for and desired. Like Paul and Silas in Acts chapter 16, who sang worship songs and invited the presence of God into the dark, cold cells to which they had been confined. Suddenly the jail began to shake and the doors of their prison sprung open! This is what Worship does in our hearts. Through the darkness of this pandemic we have come into a deeper understanding of how Worship frees our souls.

Every church across our nation has faced serious challenges over 2020. Thousands of people have been unable to attend a church service for nearly a year as many states have set mandates for worship gatherings that prohibit or largely reduce the number that may gather. The storms continue to raged the wind has beat against our lives. The key to survival is to be deeply rooted in Christ Jesus. Only in Him can we endure and grow up to be the mighty oak tree that reveals the glory of the One True God.

Next week we will explore how to get rooted in Christ and productive in His Mission for your life!

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