INCONGRUENT: Out of place, incompatible, inharmonious, not congruent

The sad truth is, it is very difficult to tell the difference these days between Christians and unbelievers. Christianity is not so much a religion as it is a relationship with God through Christ. A relationship that changes our character, reshapes our values and calls us to daily surrender our will to God. A Christian is identified, according to scripture, in two primary ways: 1. They Love as God loves. 2. They are obedient to God’s Word.

Today’s Christian is struggling in both areas. We struggle with Love because we do not accept suffering as a part of love. Love is chocolate, puppies, nice people, and good gifts. How could it ever be suffering? Love suffers for the sake of others, in obedience to God when it rejects personal will to fulfill the will of God. Think of Jesus in the garden of Gethsemane moments before He suffered and died for our sins.

At the root of all disobedience to God are seeds of self-justification and accusation centered around perceived victimization. Adam blamed Eve and Eve listened to the serpent who helped her justify disobeying God after all God was holding out on her. She also blamed the serpent. Unfortunately, the serpent had no one left in the garden to blame but like all serpents, refused to take ownership of the deception. Laying blame and Justifying are age-old tactics of humanity to avoid taking personal responsibility for decision making.

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There is always an “exception rule” for us in areas we struggle to obey God. We have an excuse that is airtight or an argument ready. Our argument sounds very much like the serpents in the Garden of Eden.  “Did God really say, ‘You must not eat from any tree in the garden’?” (Genesis 3:1) Did God really say it or under closer examination is there a loophole, a misunderstanding, a typo, a misreading. Does God really want me to practice tithing even when I am going through financial difficulties? Does God want me to serve others or wait until I am really ready to serve? God would not expect me to forgive people who were evil to me? The Bible is ancient and can’t be completely relevant to postmodern culture so there are exceptions to the commands….Right?

Incongruent! We identify as Christian but do not live it out all the way. We are a little off-center out of balance, not living true to our professed beliefs. Is this a picture of your life right now? Be honest. There are no perfect Christians, we can all get out of balance at one time or another. There is no excuse however for staying that way.

Own your sin. Stop laying blame and justifying. Get honest with yourself and with God. Invite godly spiritual leadership into your life. Be transparent with those who are charged to watch spiritually over your life (pastors, elders, mature believers God has placed in life).


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