Feeding Thousands
“It is not about what you have, it is about what you do with what you have”
Shortly after the miracle in Mark 8 where Jesus feeds 4000 men using just seven loaves of bread and 3 fish, the disciples mis-read Jesus comment about the leaven of the Pharisees. They mistakenly think Jesus is using this analogy to accuse them of forgetting to bring the bread. They think Jesus is hungry and they realize none of them brought food supplies. They witnessed a miracle where Jesus takes seven loaves and 3 fish and expands it to feed thousands. In fact the scriptures say after everyone was full, the disciples collected 7 baskets full uneaten food. Now they can’t believe each one of them left the baskets behind and now they will go hungry. No supply for the demand. Foolishly forgetting the miracle maker is in their midst.
One of the truths you can take away from this great Bible story is that we never have enough but God always has plenty. Are you willing to give what you have to the one who can expand it to meet not only your needs but the needs of thousands? The God who works miracles can work with what we have if we are willing to trust Him with our time, talents and treasure.
“Are you willing to give what you have to the one who can expand it to meet not only your needs but the needs of thousands? ”
Having given my life to Christ at a very young age, I have always thought of myself as a generous person but there is something interesting about getting older as a Christian. Things lose their luster. A home is a shelter, a car is transportation, titles are unimportant, good character is more precious that gold. I have some things that I have collected over the years that have some worldly value a few collectibles. Early in life I sought to protect them thinking one day they would have value in my retirement. Now I look at them and think if any of my granddaughters ask for them I would send them out the door in their 2,3,5,9 year old hands. I would never miss them. It would give me great joy to see a smile on tiny faces.
We cling to things that don’t matter in eternity. We treasure Gold, God uses it in heaven as asphalt. We fail to recognize that the little we have is better off in the hands of God. Miracles are in His hands. He can multiply little into much. What you have will perish but in God’s hands it will flourish.