American Christians...WAKE UP!
A real encounter with the living God changes everything! Have we lost our first purpose? In an effort to message the current generation, make them feel warm, comfortable, accepted and understood, have we sacrificed what Christianity is all about? As we target the missing people groups: Men and Millennials is it possible we forgot why we are targeting them?
I am calling for a WAKE UP in American Christian churches! Our church started the year by asking if each member would be able to commit to God 52 hours over the course of the year. Just 52 hours during the 365 days that make up 2018. Most of us work 40 plus hours in a week. Could we give God just 52 of those hours to gather each Sunday to put Him first over the course of the year?
Currently we have spent 27 of those 52 hours this year. If we were graded as a church on our attendance we would currently receive a C minus. That's not bad considering what is happening in churches across America. What does it say about the church if we struggle to make the most basic of commitments to our faith...SHOWING UP?? That's one reason why I am calling for AMERICAN CHRISTIANS TO WAKE UP!
Let's face it would you be interested in joining a weekly program, gathering, school, club...where the attenders were going to show up about once or twice a month. Think about it. If you joined a group like that you might well be there a year or more before you even meet all the people who say they belong to the group. I remember seeing a bumper sticker on a pastors car several years back and it read:
"CH CH...what's missing? UR"
The church is MIA. Why? I contend it is because things are OUT OF THE NATURAL ORDER. What do I mean by that? The priority of GOD FIRST is missing. We say it but we are struggling to live it. We daily push the pause button on prioritizing Jesus as LORD and LEADER of our life. He is more the God of crises help than the Lord of our daily life. We remember Him but we don't know Him. We like Him but we don't Worship Him. We talk about Him but we don't trust Him completely with our lives.
At a time in History when the church is needed most we are least able to respond. Moral confusion, identity crises, suicide, sex trafficking, political corruption, murder, terrorism, hatred, domestic violence the list could go on and on. The church of Jesus Christ is the answer but will we BE the CHURCH.
“It’s time to stop going to church and start BEING the CHURCH!”
The church gathers weekly to worship God, to recalibrate our motives in life, to surrender our will to God, to unite together as the body of Christ that we might accomplish HIS mission on earth! The church gathers weekly to restore HOPE, to preach the gospel because it changes lives, to restore broken relationships to make heaven our HOME! The church gathers weekly to bring the lost sheep to the only true shepherd who is LORD of the pasture. The Church gathers weekly to respond to the depravity of man in culture and to point to the only one who can change an evil heart!