Advice from an old guy


In advance a warning, this blog is advice that no one in particular asked for and it is based upon my life experience as an individual, a pastor, a father and a follower of Jesus Christ. Even though Michael Jr. is in the picture he may or may not agree with this advise. I tend to think he would agree mostly because he is a Christian and he loves Jesus too. This picture was taken at my graduation ceremony when I received a Masters in Practical theology. He was gracious enough to stop by our table talk with us and allow my wife Michele to snap this photo.

American culture is not as deeply concerned with advice from old people (of which I am one) as are other cultures. Old in Amercan can often mean irrelevant, out of touch, cranky, demanding and other such things. It has been my personal experience that spending time with the elderly has provided a lot of wisdom and guidance for me over the years. In fact, the advice of the elderly has often saved me a great deal of heartache and regret. My parents taught me as a child to respect my elders and to look to them for sound advice. It made sense to me that people who had long been on the planet and were still alive probably had some important tips about life they could share with me.

With that in mind here are my tips for a successful life!

  1. Limit the time you look in the Mirror. We get too self-focused and that indicates that we believe life on earth is mostly about us. This life is about Jesus and how He wants to reveal His glory to broken people through your life. Yes, we are broken too but He is in us and repairing our brokenness day by day and the world longs to have His touch in their lives. So shine for Him and reflect Him every day.

  2. It is a huge waste of time to live your life just for the “likes”. We all want to be affirmed in our beliefs and feelings. We sometimes go to extreme links to get others to join in our misery or happiness. While it may be comforting in the moment to know others agree with your point of view it really has no meaning beyond that. The agreement of others does not mean we are right or sound in our decision making.

  3. Make your someday, today. Life passes by quickly, trust me, I am an old guy. The dreams God has placed in your heart need action today. Someday never comes for many people, not because they are incapable, but more often because they don’t do the little things today that open the opportunities for their dream tomorrow. Today is a great day to do something toward the dream God has given to you!

  4. Be more attentive to what people do than what they say. When all the dust settles from the arguments of the day, what difference is made, will have been made, by people of action. People of action feed the hungry they don’t just talk about it. Everyone has an opinion but some speak from experience. They get in and make a difference. If you find someone who puts actions to the scriptures, hang onto them as a friend and a mentor.

  5. Get a healthy view of money. Handling finances irresponsibly takes your freedom and enslaves you to debt. The primary reason for debt in America is an unhealthy view of money. We see money as a means to get what we need and want. We see money as a tool to get happiness. We see money as insulation against crises or calamity. In truth, the money you have represents a piece of you, that you can never get back. That 100 dollar bill represents hours of your life, that were given in service to your job or career. You can never get that time back. 7, 12 14 hours of your life that are gone forever. Are those shoes, that new Iphone, that tech gadget really worth the hours of your life you gave up to get money? When you see money for what it is you will use it more wisely and make it work for you.

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