35 Together and Happy!
My wife Michele and I celebrated our 35th wedding anniversary this past August 5th in beautiful Miami Florida. What an adventure it has been for both of us. I love her so much. She is an amazing woman of God. She is my best friend and encourager. Together we have raised three children of our own and a host of wonderful kids who have adopted themselves into our family. It is rarely quiet in our home and that's how we like it.
Our anniversary fell on a Sunday this year. The picture above taken just 30 minutes or so before we joined the Christ's Fellowship church in downtown Miami, for their morning worship service. We both love God and His wonderful church so much that it was fitting that on our 35th anniversary we were in His house with His people.
Community is key to Marriage success. What community you choose to be dominate in your life will ultimately be reflected in your marriage. If you choose the community that does not value a Godly life, you will struggle to live a Godly life. Choosing to fellowship in the community that prioritizes God and biblical values will help you build a solid foundation for a long and mutually fulfilling marriage.
In community with people who have made Jesus Lord of their lives, we have learned how to love one another with a sacrificial love and how to serve one another. As we had children we discovered that our faith community supported us as parents and were available to encourage, instruct and love us as a family. When we went through challenging times we had people around who loved us deeply and would not give up on us even when we were tempted to give up on ourselves.
“How have we made it 35 years in marriage?”
We have weathered storms of all kinds in the past 35 years. How have we made it 35 years? We anchored our marriage to the Rock who is Jesus Christ. We love Jesus and put Him first in our lives, it really is as simple and as complex as that. Living a Christ centered life involves effort. We practice spiritual disciplines; daily Bible reading, daily prayer, serving in community and giving. God has blessed our lives in so many ways. As we grow closer to Him we discover a deeper for for one another.
Over the years we have witnessed the marriages of some of our friends and family members fall apart and end in divorce. In every instance they put themselves FIRST and Jesus last. Christianity is not a religion. It is a personal relationship with God through Jesus. It is a daily surrender of your rights and a daily acceptance of your responsibilities. In our marriage we submit to God FIRST and we share in the responsibilities of the mission He gave to us. I am half of the ministry God has given us and she is the other half. We are committed to Jesus and to one another.
What advice do we have to offer for long happy marriage?
1. Put God first in your life!
2. Join God’s family in Community and stay committed.
3. Laugh together and enjoy the life God has given you.
4. Do not lay blame or Justify when you make a mistake "Take responsibility" and ask for forgiveness.
5. Show each other the highest respect in private and public.
In 35 years of marriage I have learned never to take any gift for granted. If she made my lunch today, she is not obligated to do it tomorrow, it was todays precious gift and I am grateful for it. If I wash the dishes today, it is not my life responsibility it is todays gift. I want to do wonderful things for my wife because I am so grateful for her and I want to show it and she feels that way toward mens well. Neither of us feel as though we deserve these gifts but we are grateful for big and smalls ones we receive from each other everyday. Looking forward to 35 more if God chooses to grant them. Happy Anniversary Michele.