Why do Churches need money?

Why do Churches need money?

I have been blessed to spend a lifetime in full time ministry. Working behind the scenes in the church you can easily see financial needs. First the church has the same normal monthly obligations that we all experience in life with our monthly utilities expenses. Add to that the monthly expenses that are a result of the mission of the church.

Utilities & Monthly Obligations








-Office supplies

-Sunday School materials

-Benevolence to those in need

-Staff salaries

-Printed materials (bulletins, invite cards, posters, handouts)

-Outreach (anything that involves reaching out to hurting people who do not know Jesus)

-Media equipment (Microphones, sound system, video production equipment)

-Repairs and service (HVAC units, copy production equipment, facilities alarm)

The church is a non-profit corporation so it depends on voluntary giving to stay afloat. Every church I have served works hard to eliminate any waste and to accomplish so much good with every dollar given. Your local church is doing so much good on a very tight budget.

Throughout our life Michele and Me have supported our local church with monthly giving. We believe in the mission of the church. We believe it is the best way to change communities for the good…for good.  When you give to your local church your dollar is stretched to reach the hearts and lives of your community with the good news of the gospel. That gospel changes every life that will open to it in a permanent way.


Additional benefits to giving to your local church: 

1.   God blesses our lives  

10 Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this,” says the Lord Almighty, “and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it.

2.   It is a worthwhile investment in your community. The people of our community face crises issues that only God can change: Divorce, Drugs, Violence, loneliness and so much more. The answer to our communities needs is Jesus. The Church plays a key role in helping introduce the community to the answer…Jesus.  

3.   The Mission is worthy of the best of our time, talent and treasure. Jesus has given the mission of reaching the lost to His church. The church is God’s business and His business is the most important business in town.

If you would like to give to support the North Austin work at the Grace Place Austin you do so online by hitting the button below. Your gift is tax deductible and you can be assured that it will be used to impact our community for Jesus. In advance thank you for giving.




Pastor Alan Kirkpatrick

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